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Saved by sarula
on December 5, 2012 at 7:30:17 pm

Boyon Kim


YongWon Kim

Kaizhong Duan

Hoa, Nguyen Thi Thanh


Yeah!! We won airplane competition and the Description of smart phone ecosystem :) 


Hey Guys,, I'm not sure if I am using this right or not

but, I am uploading two of our proposals...

I'll meet you guys in two hours :)


umbrella proposal.pptx

Team project.pptx  



Latest version of our term project proposal


Term Project -Moon Cake.pptx


Hi everyone~!!

I tried to think about something new but to me, the biggest problem is still how to remember ppl's names:(

So I come back with my idea at first and come up with new idea of how to clean a cell phone's screen.

My two problems are:

-I can't remember people's names well ( very very bad at it>"<) and many times, I want to know info about some famous people cauz when my friends talk about them, I have know idea and feel like a fool'_'

-My cell phone's screen get dirty very easily and when I use something not a towel to clean it, I think why do I have to clean it like this? So this is my second problem of how to clean a cell phone screen well and conveniently.

By the way, I made the rough ppt of my solution for those two problems. I can use this file to explain my thoughts to you guys tmr^^

Innovation ideas.pptx





Mooncakers !!  


I got a great idea.  talk to you guys tmr ! 


good night


--------------------------------------------------so Our additional Ideas was 

Starting from the problem: "I dont want to move around when I'm taking shower, to find

shampoo, rinse... and stuff WITH M EYES CLOSED"  

샤워기 (-> What is this in English? ) with a built-in shampoo dispenser..... haha 

but turned out that we had some problems with this solution

  -FIRST OF ALL, it is not actually a BIG PROBLEM

  -Secondly, built-in shampoo will make the 샤워기 too heavy ...


Also we tried to innovate 수도꼭지..? 

because 가이종 and 사요라 came up with the problem that  수도꼭지 is dirty and we always have to clean it before and after we touch it

...BUT 용 and 보연 said... WE JUST USE IT...;;; 


I hope we are at least heading somewhere now..


need further research for 1) technology 2)marketing strategy  


Brainstorming picture:


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello my bests!! I organized our final flow, check this out before meeting on Monday plz--

innovation term final flow.txt


[OUR FLOW !!!!]

I think.. we each have to know the part right?


 1. OUR PROBLEM  --Bo Yon


 Problems we started with was... 

 Everybody lose something,

 sometimes it can be small things like your pen 

 but some other time, it is thing like 

 [WE SEE ALOT OF pictures of '분실물':-를 찾습니다]: usb with all your data, cellphone

   or even your wallet. 



 2. Develoment process -Yong Won



[IT WILL BE GOOD TO POST OUR Brainstorming SESSION in the seminar room with mind map WHO HAS THIS PHOTO?]

  Our first solutions to this problem was a software with 'GPS' which can spot our



lost. However, we found out that there would be some limitation,

    : The biggest one being; to find the 'lost thing' it has to be located somewhere

      without the ceiling since the GPS signal is relatively weak.


 While searching for other technology, we came across 'biz bee' used for child. 

[Europe/ photo of kid]

When the kid goes farther then certain distance away from the parent, the device rings, alarming the parent. 



Also we found

험비와 버디: http://blog.naver.com/3374667q?Redirect=Log&logNo=60165310752&jumpingVid=44CE7B831A537A34075C5B6D9C178BE30775

거리이탈 알림의 경우, 소지품뿐만 아니라 유아와 같은 사람의 경우에 일정거리 이상 멀어지면 RF신호가 상호간(험비, 버디로 설정) 거리 이탈을 감지해 경고음이 울린다

경고음과 함께 진동모드 설정이 가능해 도서관, 영화관, 음악회 등의 장소에서도 유용하게 사용할 수 있다.


From these technologies, we wanted to mount this system on our phone

so the we can manage many things 'Smartly'




 3. Introducing Technology and our product -Kaizhong


our product is based on NFC, RF (radio frequency signal)


1) NFC: Platform(application)/ tag 

NFC can be described as two parts

The platform and the tag


In our case, platform means the application in the smartphone.

You might not be aware of this but smart phones usually have NFC system embedded on the device.

We can use this and make an application to manage the system  

[show image of possible screen for application - software screen] 


The tag will be the sticker that will be attatched to the things that you would not want to lose 

Apply "tag" to user phone

[show models of 'tag' sticker]


3)What happens between the Platform and the tag is explained by : RF signal


(In short, the radio signal is sent back and forth with in the platform and the tag

and when the platform sense the distance between itself and the tag

when the tag is moved out of certain distance 

there will be alarm shown in the phone  

http://electriciantraining.tpub.com/14183/css/14183_102.htm 여기서 (B) 이거?? 인거같은데 써넣으면 있어보일 듯 


4)as it is shown in 험비덤비

the alarm can be changed into the form of 'vibration' or 'light'





Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few centimetres. Present and anticipated applications include contactless transactions, data exchange, and simplified setup of more complex communications such as Wi-Fi.[1] Communication is also possible between an NFC device and an unpowered NFC chip, called a "tag".[2]


NFC standards cover communications protocols and data exchange formats, and are based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa.[3] The standards include ISO/IEC 18092[4] and those defined by the NFC Forum, which was founded in 2004 by NokiaPhilips and Sony, and now has more than 160 members. The Forum also promotes NFC and certifies device compliance.[5]


Smartphone automation and NFC tags

Smartphones equipped with NFC can be paired with NFC tags or stickers which can be programmed by NFC apps to automate tasks. This can allow for a change of phone settings, a text to be created and sent, an app to be launched, or any number of commands to be executed, limited only by the NFC app and other apps on the smartphone. This is perhaps one of the most practical current uses for NFC since it does not rely on a company or manufacture but can be utilized immediately by anyone anywhere with an NFC equipped smartphone and an NFC tag. [18]


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic fields (electromagnetic induction). Others use a local power source and emit radiowaves (electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies). The tag contains electronically stored information which can be read from up to several meters (yards) away. Unlike a bar code, the tag does not need to be within line of sight of the reader and may be embedded in the tracked object.


RFID tags are used in many industries. An RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line. Pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses. Livestock and pets may have tags injected, allowing positive identification of the animal.

Since RFID tags can be attached to clothing, possessions, or even implanted within people, the possibility of reading personally-linked information without consent has raised privacy concerns.









 4. Additional functions   (further development) -Sarula


-     turning off the alarm: important 

-     a 'hanging' version of sticker can be made to use for the product

      that has no appropriate surface to put on the sticker

    [show hanging version in picture]


5. So this is how our whole product set will look like-Hoa


 [그림 총 사진! application + sticker + hanging]



 6. Marketing Strategy-Hoa

   To market, can work with Carriers to distribute..

    Or... online, or.. like confifigure (?) market (multishop for elctronics)

    maybe we should think more about how to market this!  


Please finish your part by tomorrow afternoon!!!Everyone just have to write your part in ppt slides, and then i will put all together and make final ppt slides, so plz plz plz do it as fast as possibleT>T

We have a group meeting tomorrow after class at 구중도 4층-5 (6pm)

Another group meeting (possible) at 8pm~10pm, 신중도-collaboration room A-07

Don't forget!!!!!



Hi guys, here is my parts!Plz  check it out, and put your slides on the template that I made:)

Thank you!!

PSI presentation.pptx



PSI presentation.pptx



Hi friends, this is my part, see you tomorrow!

PSI presentation sarula.pptx   










yep,  and for the technology part. the RF should be RFID (Radio-frequency identification)  not only RF, right?


* do we find a solution for user who leave only for a short time, which talk in our last meeting, for example, go to washroom with phone for a seconds ?

------------------------------------------------: ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Active RFID is a form of Auto ID (automatic identification) characterised by the use of ID tags which are self powered. They have their own battery, and typically emit a signal at a predefined rate, usually with an interval of about one second between transmissions.


Advantages of Active RFID tags vs Passive RFID tags

Benefits of active RFID tags include range and independence from surroundings.



An active RFID tag can typically be read at a range of 100 metres. This compares well against passive tags, where the read range varies according to the frequency of the tag. For LF tags, range can be less than an inch. For HF tags, range can be to a twelve inches. For UHF tags, range can be up to twenty feet. But long range is not always a good thing. In systems where the tag is used as a locator, range can be deliberately reduced, and this is often done by reducing the "gain" of the reader.


Effect of surroundings and orientation.

The orientation of the tag tends to be less critical for active RFID tags than for passive RFID tags, and the tag is less affected by its surroundings, especially the proximity of water or metals. In fact, testing of systems using active tags can be problematic. When testing we typically use a tin box to shield unwanted tags and make them unavailable to the reader. This is fine when testing for passive RFID Tags, but when testing many Active RFID tags we find they can be read even when placed in a tin box with a closed lid. Of course, in theory this is not possible, but if the lid is less than a perfect fit, enough signal leaks through to give a reading. This has obvious implications in real world deployments, meaning that an accidental partial screening of a tag can be accommodated without the tag being unreadable.


Disadvantages of Active RFID tags vs Passive RFID tags

Disadvantages include cost, size, life, operating temperature range.



Depending on type, manufacturer and quantity, as a general guide assume that an active RFID tag is going to fall in the range $5 to $40 each. This compares to $1 to $3 for HF tags, and 50c to $6 for UHF tags. (Prices are changing rapidly, these are rough numbers as a general guide).



Active RFID tags are generally larger than their passive counterparts. An active RFID tag can be in one of several formats. In credit card format, it is typically the thickness of four or five credit cards, say 1/8 inch or 3mm. More commonly it is in a format two or three inches long, perhaps 3/4 wide and 1/4 inch thick. Construction is usually sealed, and tags vary in how robust they might be.

This can be compared with passive tags, which vary in size according to frequency.
- An LF RFID tag is perhaps the size and shape of a beer bottle cap, although tags in the form of a "plastic nail" are sometimes used where appropriate, especially for identifying trees. LF tags are also seen in the familiar ear-tag format used for tracking livestock.
- An HF RFID tag is commonly packaged as a credit card, typically used for building access, but can also be incorporated into a key fob, as with the tags used to "pay at the pump".
- UHF RFID tags are smallest of all, due in part to their construction, which requires printing on only one side of the laminate. So UHF tags are typically three or four inches long, between 1/4 inch and one inch wide, and less than 1mm thick, though many smaller formats are available.



The life of an active RFID tag is limited by the battery. Manufacturers claim typically five years. In many cases the battery cannot be changed, and the tag must be discarded at end of life. The upside of this approach is that reliability is increased. Most systems have the ability to determine the status of the battery in each tag. Often, battery condition is transmitted along with the regular beacon signal. The life of a passive RFID tag, in contrast, is theoretically unlimited, determined only by the reliability of the components.


Temperature Range.

The strength of the Active RFID tag comes from its on board battery, but in some circumstances that can also be a weakness. At extreme low temperatures the chemical reaction of the battery is slowed, and the tag becomes unresponsive. Normal performance generally resumes when the tag is warmed. Depending on the design, tags can work down to minus twenty degrees Celsius.




What can they be used for?

Active RFID tags are commonly used for tracking high value assets over a large area. They might be used for tracking vehicles in a lot, or for tracking valuable items or essential equipment within a building. They are particularly useful when items need to be tightly controlled.


Application Options

When managing and monitoring items in a controlled area, there are two viable approaches. Choke points can be set up at access and entry locations, to detect items entering or leaving. Alternatively, readers can be set up to constantly monitor all items. There are strengths and weaknesses in each approach, and it is difficult to give a general recommendation, as the better solution depends on many external factors. We are happy to provide more detailed information for specific cases.



Coverage can be affected by many external factors, and there are some key issues to be followed in selecting the best location and mounting technique for the readers. One common error is to mount the readers close to a metallic conductor (even the support strips for ceiling tiles can degrade (or sometimes enhace) coverage). Also, read range is dependent on the tag type, and ideally reader mounting should be adjusted to accommodate that. More information is available on request, again the most effective approach is often determined by the specifics of a given installation.


Mixed Systems

In the real world a system has to accommodate many realities. Usually there are a limited number of assets that need to be continually monitored, either because of their high value or other security requirements. But there is often a larger quantity of items that also need to be tracked, but where time is less critical, or cost of active tags is difficult to justify. In these cases a hybrid system can be installed. This can use a combination of Auto-ID technologies - barcodes, passive tags and active tags to provide the most appropriate solution.





#1 (30sec)


Hello everyone

We're the group 'Mooncake'

and today we would like to introduce you a solution to a problem  

that we all face which is THIS


#2 (30sec)


[분실물 찾습니다 PICTURES pouring out~~~~~] 


Oviously, we all lose something once in every while. 

(이거 맞나? 꽤 자주를 영어로 어떻게 하지?)

sometimes it is small things but sometimes it can be you wallet or 

even your pet. 





We first came up with idea, spoting your thing with GPS 

however it turned out that GPS signal gets so weak when you are 

in a building (:here we mean any place with a 'ROOF' OR 'CEILING'  )

it wouldn't work. 


Then we found out that there is actually somethig called  

'험비와 버디' developped by a small korean company

and it works like this

[show video]


But, this wouldn't solve our problem because we don't want to 

attatch the hanging to our wallet and our usb ...

we wanted something small. 

Also we dont want to carry around another device.



#4 (20sec?? ㅋㅋ)


So we came up with a product called 'LETS MAKE A COOL NAME FOR OUR PRODUCT'


#5 (5min? 너무 짧나?)

Before explaining the underlying technology we will show 

 how does this product works.


Basically our product is made of 

 1)an application which will work as a platform to register 

   the things you dont want to lose

 2)also stickers (or hangings) that is attatched to the THINGS



 1)REGISTER THE STICKER (tag, hanging)  to the platform

   [show how this is done by SARULA's VIDEO]



   your dog, your baby (if you have one), or maybe your boyfriend?ㅋㅋ  

   [make PICTURE of sticker on wallet(?)]







   [animation (?) - 내가 만들어볼까...? ㅋㅋ]


 5)AND when you want to turn off the alarm 

   you can control each stickers using the application

   [show photo]





 How ever all these features weren't made one day

 we did many iteration on our 

 appliaton features, 

 [application surface development]

 shapes of stickers & hangings

 and actually alarm features to be turned on and off were added lately.




This product is based on several technology that are actually commonly 

used in our daily life. ((만약 시간 안되면 이부분은 넘기면서 

 우리 위키에 가서 보라고 해도 ... 되지 않을까? ))


 1)NFC is the basic technology that we based our product on.

   The platform reads the tag, as our application reads the sticker. 


   Many of you might not be aware of this but most of our smart phone 

   has NFC chips embedded in the body. 

   This is how the payment by cellphone works.    


   Well this is actually also used for you T-money (bus/metro card)

   And the smart door key. 



   One of the good things when using NFC tag, 

   is that it doenst need battery to keep the tag alive :) 



 2)What happens between the platform and the tag is that

   each part keep communicating with Radio Frequency signal (usually called 

   RF signal) 


   this way, the distance between the two parts are sensed 

   and when it goes beyond some distance, alarm can will be shown on the screen 

   (용오빠! 이거 일정거리 벗어나면 RF signal이 약해지면서 표시되는거지?

   그 일정거리가 얼만큼인지 찾아볼 수 있을까?) 

   (그리구 그 NFC만 tag만 있으면 거리감지 되는건지 아니면 등록할때만 NFC쓰고

    RF 거리감지를 위해서는 다른거 있어야 되는지.... ?? ) 




Our product will be mainly distributed by 




(multishop ..에 걸려있는 우리 제품 사진 만들까 ㅋㅋㅋ) 


this will cost about: ------  (험비덤비 가격 찾아보쟈)

(만드는데 대략 얼마나 들지?)
















On-board battery Periodically transmits its ID signal Typically be read at a range of 100 m Range  vs. Effect of surroundings Cost, Size, Life


Why not Bluetooth -----------------------------------------------------------

1. if we want to transfer data over Bluetooth then we need to do some preliminary work such as searching the devices nearby, pairing it by inserting PIN code (for security reason) and finally we are able to transfer the file. 



PSI presentation -fixed.pptx


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