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Sung Joo Bae


배성주 교수


 Associate Professor of Technology Management


 Operations, Decisions, and Information (ODI),

 Yonsei University School of Business

 Tel. +82 2 2123 6578       Fax. +82 2 6442 2515
 Email: sjbae at yonsei.ac.kr





     Academic Background


  •  Ph.D.      in Management, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  •  M.S.        in Information Economics, Management and Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  •  B.B.A.     in Business Administration,  Yonsei University
     Research Interests


  • Technological innovation
  • New product & service development process
  • Technology-based entrepreneurship
  • User and market-oriented innovation
  • Product design and user interface design


 Sung Joo Bae is currently an Associate professor at Yonsei University Business School where he teaches Management of Technology, Product and Service Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. He recently took a visiting position at National University of Singapore and also worked for The University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor before he joined Yonsei. He holds a master’s degree from University of Michigan and finished his doctoral study on technological innovation and entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan School of Management. He published research articles in journals such as Journal of Consumer Psychology, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Production Economics, and Information & Management.

 Additionally, he has industry experience as an IT specialist at IBM, and as a cofounder of Knowledge Cube, Inc., a startup company specialized in knowledge management consulting and solution. He led many consulting and software development projects with major Korean companies such as LG and POSCO, and also participated in the consulting project for GrundfosDr. Bae is currently leading research projects related to new product development (NPD), research policy, and technology strategy. He also leads consulting projects for companies such as Hyundai Motors, and many startup firms.





PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings)




"Shared Experience in Pretrip and Experience Sharing in Posttrip: The Survey of Airbnb Users," (with H. Lee, E. Suh, and K. Suh), forthcoming, Information & Management, 2017


"Evaluation and Arrangement: The Role of Government in R&D Consortia Formation," (with J. Kim and J. Yang), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, October, 2014


"Different Routes to Metacognitive Judgments: The Role of Accuracy Motivation," (with S. Park) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(3), July, 2014


“Internalization of R&D Outsourcing: An Empirical Study,” (with S. Han) International Journal of Production Economics, 150, April2014


“The Effects of Network Position and Usage Pattern on Diffusion of Innovation,” (with Gloor, P. and Schnorf, S.) Proceedings of Application of Social Network Analysis Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, October 20-21, 2005


"Grounding Needs: Achieving Common Ground Via Lightweight Chat in Large, Distributed Ad-Hoc Groups," (with Birnholtz, J., Finholt, T., and Horn, D.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 05), Portland, OR, April 2-7, 2005


"The Effects of Cash, Electronic, and Paper Gift Certificates as Respondent Incentives for a Web-Based Survey of a Technologically Sophisticated Sample," (with Birnholtz, J., Horn, D., and Finholt, T.) Social Science Computer Review. 22(3), 2004




“Institutional Improvement Plan through the Economic Utility Analysis of Technology Trust," (with I. Cho), Industrial Property Rights, 2016


“New Product Development with Facebook Fans: Idea Contest Experiment,” (with A. Oda and S. Park), Yonsei Business Review, 2016


"Analysis on the Diffusion and the Intention to Use among Technology Adopter Categories," (with E. Ma, S. Park, S. Han, & H. Han), forthcoming, Journal of the Korea Society of IT services, 2015


“How does Product Innovation Enhance Firm Performance?: The Moderating Role of Process Innovation, Organizational Innovation and Marketing Innovation,” (with S. Oh and S. Han), Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society, 2013


“Categorization of R&D Collaboration Based on Problem-Solving Perspective and its Implication,” (with Y. Ko), Korean Journal of Production and Operations Management, 24(2), 2013


“Creativity in Groups Based on Problem-Solving Perspective: An Empirical Study,” (with K. Lee and S. Park), East and West Studies, 25(2), 2013


“The Effect of Self-Presentation on SNS to Interpersonal Relation and Intention to Use,” (with E. Ma and S. Han), Knowledge Management Research, 14(2), 2013


“Problem-Solving Process with the Users: An Exploratory Case Study in the Early-Stage Game Company,” (with A. Oda and S. Park), Yonsei Business Review. 50(1),  2013


     Publications via Managerial Outlet                                                                                     


"Categorization of User Innovation Based on Problem Definition & Ownership" Dong-A Business Review, 2015   (66-75)SR1.pdf  


"Patent Strategy Based on Technology Strategy Perspective" (with S. Sung) Dong-A Business Review, 2013   Vol.135.SR.pdf


 "Organizational Improvisation" Dong-A Business Review, 2013 Vol.121.pdf


 "Technology-Oriented Social Entrepreneurship" (with S. Han) Dong-A Business Review, 2012  Vol.117.SR2.pdf


"Strategic Action Plan for Service Innovation" Shin Han Review, 2013 


"Metaphor  of Jazz Improvisation for Product Innovation" Design DB & SIM, 2010


     Special Lectures                                                                                                                                                                               


"User and Open Innovation Strategy," Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2017


"Open Innovation Strategy," Hyundai NGV, 2017


"Categorization of R&D Collaboration Based on Problem-Solving Perspective and its Implication," Hyundai NGV Collaborative R&D Strategy Forum, 2017


"Innovation in Korea: Macro and Micro Perspectives," KAIST, 2015


"Innovation in Korea," Essec Executive MBA Program Visit, Sangnam Institute of Management, 2016


"Product & Process Innovation," CJ CheilJedang, Sangnam Institute of Management, 2016


"Product & Service Innovation," Executives from France and Asian Countries, Singapore, 2016


"Technological Innovation for Startups," Tech-SMU Program, 2015


"Innovation, not Imitation: a New Era for Innovation in Korea," MBA Summer School, Yonsei University, 2015


"Management of Technology," POSCO, 2014


"Design vs. Engineering in New Product Development Process," Hyundai Motors Namyang Research Institute, 2014               


"Strategic Management of Technology," Hyundai E&C, 2014


"Design & Innovation," Executives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2014


"Innovation: Tesla Way," Korea Industrial Technology Association (KOITA), 2014


"Innovation, Not Imitation," European CEOs Visiting Program, Yonsei University, 2013


"Product Innovation: New Trend," EMBA Program, Yonsei University, 2013


"Product Design & Service Design," CMC program, Yonsei University, 2012, 2013


"Innovation & Cluster," JSC, Yonsei University, 2013


"Lead User Method in Developing Breakthrough Products & Services," SK Telecom Future Management Institute, 2012


"Design Driven Innovation," School of Engineering, Korea University, 2011


"Design Driven Innovation," Advanced Marketing Management Course, Sangnam Institute of Management, 2011, 2012


"Smartphone: Implications & Applications," SCM2 Course, Sangnam Institute of Management, 2011


       Projects with Firms                                                                                                                                                                           


Case Analysis on Entrepreneurship, Asan Nanum Foundation, 2015


New Product Development Process Improvement via Massive Conjoint Analysis, Hyundai Motors, 2014      


New Service Development Project, Company 100, Inc., 2014                                 


Lead User Project, Grundfos, Denmark, 2006


Knowledge Management Consulting & System Development Projects, 2000 - 2002

- LG, POSCO, Mirae Credit Information, and more. 





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