
BIZ3182 Product and Service Innovation

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FurniCube Presentation (Final).ppt  Yonsei School of Business



[BIZ3182] Product and Service Innovation


Instructor: Sung Joo Bae, Assistant Professor


Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” - Pablo Picasso


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

-Steve Jobs




Module 1(3/5)


Introduction to the Course

Core Concepts of Creativity and Innovation.pdf

Core Concepts (2).pdf



Module2(3/7, 3/12, 3/14, 3/19)

Core Concepts of Creativity and Innovation

What do we mean by “creativity”?

Technological innovation – core concepts

Read Article:The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

(Chapter 1 & 2 – p. 1~p.51)

Smaller: The Disposable Diaper and the Meaning of Progress (The New Yorker)


Architecture – Why is it important?

Product/Service Development Process

Read Article:

Design Rules (Chapter 2 & 3)

Innovation in Industry and the Diffusion of Technology (Science)

Selected chapters from Eppinger & Ulrich(2008)


Additional Materials  for module 2


Module 3(3/21, 3/26, 3,28)

Complexity, Cognitive Biasesand Decision Making in an Uncertain World of Technology

Class Slide: Complexity Cognitive Biases and Decision Making BW.pdf

Technological evolution and decision making

Conventional wisdom vs. integrative thinking

Prepare Case1: Kodak and the Digital Revolution (A) (HBS)

Read Article:From Mental Models to Transformation: Overcoming Inhibitors to Change (HBR)





Module 4(4/2, 4/4, 4/9)

Creative Leadership

Class Slide: Creative Leadership BW.pdf

The role of the leaders in creative organizations

Prepare Case 2: Google's Android: Will It Shake Up the Wireless Industry in 2009 and Beyond?

Read Article:Creativity and the Role of the Leader(HBR)

An Inside View of IBM’s ‘Innovation Jam’ (HBS)


Additional Class Material for Module 4


Schedule Change for Tuesday, April 9th!!


On Tuesday, April 9th, we will be attending a seminar.

Attendance WILL be Taken!! We will meet at the seminar room. Do not come to our classroom.

Please read all the readings and prepare to ask questions!!! Sequence Effects in Service Bundle JOM 2013.pdf Introduction to Empirical Research Seminar.pdf Script Usage in Standardized and Customized Service Encounters - Implications for Perceived Serv.pdf


Here is the according information:


Topic: Service Innovation, Design and Development

Speaker: Professor Rohit Vermar (Cornell Hotel School)

Time: April 9, 2013 (Tues) 4:00PM

Location: Pine Room (1 Floor, Sangnam Institute of Management) #68 on the Map Below



Module 5(4/11, 4/16, 4/18, 4/30, 5/2)

Product Design

What is “creative design”? How can we achieve it?

The creative process of the leading design firms

Simulation in product design

Prepare Case 3: IDEO Product Development (HBS)

Prepare Case 4: Team New Zealand (HBS)


Additional Class Material for Module 5


Mid-term Exam Period(4/23, 4/25)– No Class




Mid-term Project Presentation (5/7) (5 min. for each team)

* Prepare one or two slide(s) for the presentation. No more than two slides are allowed. (Three, including Title Slide)

Please upload the slides here before Tuesday's class. Thank you very much.  


Group 1: Group 1_Template_PPT_v3.pdf

Group 2: Avalanche-Final.pptx

Group 3: Product_and_Service_Innovation_130505_group3.pptx 

Group 4: Midterm Presentation_Group 4.ppt

Group 5: PSI_TEAM5_130506.pdf 

Group 6: Group6 P&S.pptx

Group 7:Mid-term_presentation_(Group_7).pptx

Group 8: [Group 8] Mid-term project presentation.pptx

Group 9:team project1.pptx

Group 10:Group 10_Interim_Presentation_vF.pptx

Group 11: presentation group11.pptx



Module 6 (5/7, 5/9, 5/14, 5/16)

Design-Driven Product Innovation

Class Slide 1:  Product Innovation [호환 모드].pdf 

Class Slide 2: BMW slides.pdf  


Design drivenproduct development process

Process view of product development

Accelerating design process

Read Article:Innovating Through Design (HBR)

Prepare Case 5: Bang and Olufsen: Design Driven Innovation (HBS)

Prepare Case6: BMW AG – The Digital Car Project (HBS)




Module 7 (5/21)

Open and User Innovation

Class Slide: open user innovation.pdf

The power of open and user innovation

Read Article: The Bakeoff- Project Delta Aims to Create the Perfect Cookie (The New Yorker)

Why Companies Should Have Open Business Models(SMR)

Creating Breakthroughs at 3M (HBR)





Module 8(5/23, 5/28)

Technology Adoption & Improvisation

Class slide: improvisation.ppt


Miles Davis - Kind of Blue 50th Anniversary.flv


Jazz as a business metaphor


Read Article: Creativity, Improvisation and Organizations (HBS)

Additional Class Material for Module 8 


Team Project: Technology in Movies


This task is designed to give a chance to student to understand the relationship between technology and society.

You need to select a movie that features technology that we don't use yet (in other words not adopted by the society yet), but someday will be available to us.

For example, the movie "Minority Report" features technologies that are not available to us now, but is widely accepted in the future.

After watching the movie together as a team, please discuss the following questions.


1. Describe the technology in terms of function and design. Describe how it is used in the future society.

2. What are the obstacles for those technologies to be adopted? How can you overcome and diffuse those technologies if you're the CEO of the company that created those technologies?

3. What are the consequences of those technologies in terms of benefits and harmful effects to society?

4. What are the institutional mechanisms (e.g. laws, government regulations, norms, culture, etc.) that are necessary for those technologies to be available to society?

5. Now pay attention to the individuals who actually use those technologies in their daily lives. If you're the person who use those technologies everyday, how would you feel about using those technologies?

   Will those technologies be something that you enjoy using, or hate using? Why?

6. Do you think those technologies will be adopted in the future? If so, when and how? If not, why not?


After discussing these questions and other issues you might want to define for yourself, please come up with no more than 10 slides to be presented in the class and submit them on the Class Wiki.


I will grade each team's slides, and select the best three to be presented in the class.


Here are some of the lists of best Si-Fi movies.


Best Sci-Fi Movies



Best Sci-Fi Movies Of Last 20 Years



Best All Time Real Sci-Fi Movies



Sci-Fi Filmlist from a guy, who doesn't like Sci-Fi



Please upload the slides here before class by 5/28! Thank you very much.


Group 1: Group1_Avatar_v.final.pdf

Group 2: Group 2_Shape-Shifting Robot.pdf

Group 3: PSI_Group_3_영화_FINAL_ver.pptx

Group 4: Technology in Movies.pptx

Group 5: Total recall movie discussion.pptx

Group 6: The island_presentation.pptx

Group 7:surrogate - group #7.pptx

Group 8: Star_Wars_-_Team_8_-_Final.pptx

Group 9:GATTACA group9.pptx

Group 10: Eternal_Sunshine-기술과_사회.pptx

Group 11: Team11_IronMan.pptx


Professor Bae will select 3 of the best presentations to present on Tuesday, June 4 (15 minutes per group)

On Tuesday, June 4, we will not be meeting at our regular classroom. We will meet at the Sangnam Institute of Management, Maple Room (2nd Floor).

(#68 on map)






Final Project Presentations(5/30, 6/4, 6/11, 6/13) 


The Final Presentation Date Assignments are as follows:

Tuesday May 28

Group # 2,Group # 6. Group # 9

Thursday May 30

Group # 4 and Group # 5

Tuesday June 11

Group # 1, Group # 7, Group # 10, Group # 11

Thursday June 13

Group # 3, Group # 8


If you don't know you're group number, refer to PSI_group assignments.pdf

Make Sure you upload the slides on WIKI before the date of your presentation. 

The deadline for the Final version of your PPT is Sunday, June 16. Any revisions must be mentioned and organized in the last slide of your PPT.


Upload your Final ppt slides here:


Group 1: final_-_excelsior.pptx

Group 2: Parked Presentation.pptx

Group 3:  Final_Product_and_Service_Innovation_team3.pptx

Group 4 :FurniCube Presentation.ppt

Group 5: Gappole_Finale_V1.5.pptx

Group 6: Presentation Group6.pptx

Group 7: DUSS project_group#7'.pptx

Group 8:OBB Final Version.pptx

Group 9: PP group9.pptx

Group 10: Presentation_Drunkit_Application.pptx

Group 11: Group 11 _ Boiling Thermos.pptx


Upload your REVISED Final ppt slides here by Sunday, June 16

Group 1:

Group 2:Parked Product and service innovation (revised).pdf

Group 3:Final_Product_and_Service_Innovation_team3 revised.pptx

Group 4: FurniCube Presentation (Final).ppt

Group 5:Gappole_Finale _REVISED VERSION.pptx

Group 6:

Group 7:DUSS project_group#7 final ver..pptx

Group 8: OBB Final PPT Group 8 - 15.06.2013.pptx

Group 9:FinalPP.pptx

Group 10:Presentation Drunkit Application.pptx

Group 11: Group 11 _ Boiling Thermos-final version.pptx


Major Assignments & Deadlines


* There will be additional (small) assignments which will be announced a week before the deadline.




Read Article:

The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Chapter 1 & 2 – p. 1~p.51)



Read Article:

Smaller: The Disposable Diaper and the Meaning of Progress (The New Yorker)

Design Rules (Chapter 2 & 3)

Innovation in Industry and the Diffusion of Technology (Science)

Selected chapters from Eppinger & Ulrich(2008)



Case Report 1:

Kodak and the Digital Revolution (A) (HBS)

Read Article:

From Mental Models to Transformation: Overcoming Inhibitors to Change (HBR)



Case Report 2: Google's Android: Will It Shake Up the Wireless Industry in 2009 and Beyond?

Read Article:

Creativity and the Role of the Leader(HBR)

An Inside View of IBM’s ‘Innovation Jam’ (HBS)



Case Report 3: IDEO Product Development (HBS)

Case Report 4: Team New Zealand (HBS)

4/23, 4/25 Mid-term Exam Period


Mid-term Project Presentation(5 min.)


Read Article:

Innovating Through Design (HBR)

Case Report 5:

Bang and Olufsen: Design Driven Innovation (HBS)

Case Report 6:

BMW AG – The Digital Car Project



Read Article:

The Bakeoff- Project Delta Aims to Create the Perfect Cookie (The New Yorker)

Why Companies Should Have Open Business Models (SMR)

Creating Breakthroughs at 3M (HBR)



Read Article:

Creativity, Improvisation and Organizations (HBS)

Case Report 7:

This case is replaced by "Technology in Movies" team project.


5/30, 6/4, 6/11, 6/13 Final Project Presentations



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